The Storm. Drone market in Poland

Download 'The Storm' report on the drone market in Poland.

Thank you for interested in our publication (link below), made in cooperation with Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation, title partner of the research and report.

’The Storm’ report is divided into a journalistic section, publicly available on social media, and an additional paid section – the TOP100 of the drone market, a database of individual drone companies with an indication of their technological and business level of development. The analysis culminates in the assignment of a company, following the Gartner classification, to a category of leader, visionary, aspirational or technology/business niche (the so-called KOWAL INDEX).

The Mikromakro Institute Foundation is the only think-tank in Poland that has been analysing the drone market since its inception. All publicly available analyses and market data have their source in our research.

Download: " The Storm. Drone market in Poland. Report by the Mikromakro Institute Foundation and Łukasiewicz - Institute of Aviation. Edition 2024"
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